


Different action in carding

Different action in carding:

1. Carding action:
When two close surfaces have opposite wire direction and their speed
direction or relative motion is also opposite. Then the action between two surfaces is called carding action.

  • it is occurred between flats and cylinder.
  • Maximum individualization of fibers is achieved in this region.
  • Naps short fibers dirt and dust are removed by this action.
  • There always should be point against point action.

Carding Action

2. Stripping action:
When two close surfaces have same wire direction and their speed direction or
relative motion is opposite then the action between two surfaces is called stripping action.

  • It is occurred between licker in and cylinder.
  • There are should be point against back action.
  • Individualization of fibre is also by this action.

3. Doffing action:
When two close surfaces have opposite wire direction and their speed direction
or relative mot6ion is also opposite then the action between two is called doffing action

  • It is occurred between cylinder and doffer.
  • Web formation is accrued by this action.
  • There always should be point against point action.

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