


Steps of Fabric Checking

Steps of Fabric Checking
These were the steps which they followed during checking:
Ø     Keep the roll at ‘Feeding Roll (Back Winding Roll)’. Align the roll at the center of machine.
Ø     Align an edge sensor accurately.  Edge sensor photocell should be at the selvedge end.
Ø     Check the width of fabric at this stage.

Ø     Do the fabric checking:
Note: Checking speed should be constant i.e. don’t touch the speed knob to alter speed.
Only use Forward or Reverse knob to wind a roll in forward or backward direction.
Ø     Put an appropriate sticker after identification of a fabric defect.
Ø     Put a chock mark around a defect area.
Ø     Also note down the identified fabric fault on the ‘Quality Control Inspection Report.’
Ø     Check the complete roll as per above instruction
Ø     Calculate the total defect points on the basic of 4-point system & compare with the 4-point system standard.
Ø     Cut the swatch for identification Color Shade variation:
·         Roll-To-Roll variation
·         Center to Selvedge variation

Ø    Keep the roll at an appropriate place in the rack. 

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