
What are spacer fabrics

What are spacer fabrics?
Spacer structures are knitted fabric constructions comprising two separate fabric webs, which are joined together by spacer threads or fibres of varying rigidity. The intermediate zone creates a layer of air, which has an insulating and thermoregulatory effect. Modifying the structure of the knitted construction can alter the amount of air incorporated in the assembly.
The yarn material used to join the plain ground fabric at the front side and the plain ground fabric at the backside with a defined “space” is mostly a stable, pressure tolerant material. Spacer fabrics are breathable, resilient, flexible, and soft. They come in a variety of weights, colors, textures, and designs.
Fibres employed for spacer fabrics
·         Polyester
·         Nomex
·         Kevlar
·         Polyamide
·         Micro-fibre

The possibilities of 3-D knitted products
·     By processing antibacterial, flame-retardant, antistatic multifilament, monofilament or spun  yarns
·         By using special technical fibres, tape yarns, webs or filling materials in the spacer zone
·     By resin finishing, laminating and bonding, and by incorporating electrical equipment and    miniature communications systems.
·         They can be maid water repellent or absorptive on treatment with different chemicals.
·         Abrasion resistance can also be improved by structural change.

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